Office Address

Postal Code: 1439817435, Tehran,Iran

Phone Number

+ (98) 21 88356138

Email Address

We aim to build INGP , value through developing the best relationships with our customers throughout the world and offering broad and interesting opportunities to all our employees.

We are proactive and flexible giving us a key advantage over our competitors - we understand and will keep ahead of all our stakeholders' expectations.

Our success is demonstrated by our year-on-year growth-rates. INGP continues to achieve significant growth alongside outstanding product development.

INGP is a young, dynamic and diverse company that has always paid attention to cultural differences. We respect all our customers and accordingly respect the cultural and social differences to be found in our regional markets. Respect is an integral part of our emphasis on partnership – something for which we are ready to go the extra mile

INGP provides the highest levels of reliability in all aspects of our business: design, production, service and relationships with our clients.

INGP is a responsible corporate citizen and we care deeply about our social and environmental commitments. Year on year we increase our activity in this sphere across the company.